Pasta 22 de junho de 2016 - Seminário Interno


pdf "Estimation of price-cost margins for Portuguese firms: a contribution for the assessment and monitoring of product market competition" – Luís Folque (GEE/NSBE) Popular

Autoria de Tagado em Ambiente, Empresas, GEE 475 descarregados

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Estimation of price-cost margins for Portuguese firms – Luís Folque (GEE NSBE).pdf

pdf "Structural Reforms in Education and Justice: A Model-Based Assessment of Macroeconomic Impacts for Portugal" - Discussant: Kevin Wiseman (FMI) Popular

Autoria de Tagado em Ambiente, Empresas, GEE 443 descarregados

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Structural Reforms in Education and Justice - Discussant Kevin Wiseman (FMI).pdf

pdf "Structural Reforms in Education and Justice: A Model-Based Assessment of Macroeconomic Impacts for Portugal" - Pedro Gil (FEP) Popular

Autoria de Tagado em Ambiente, Empresas, GEE 433 descarregados

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Structural Reforms in Education and Justice - Pedro Gil (FEP).pdf

pdf "The economic impact of educational reforms" – Ana Balcão Reis (Nova School of Business and Economics) Popular

Autoria de Tagado em Ambiente, Empresas, GEE 447 descarregados

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The economic impact of educational reforms – Ana Balcão Reis (Nova School of Business and Economics).pdf

pdf "The economic Impact of Structural Reform Measures in ES, FR, IT and PT" - Discussant: José R. Maria (BP) Popular

Autoria de Tagado em Ambiente, Empresas, GEE 424 descarregados

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The economic Impact of Structural Reform Measures in ES, FR, IT and PT - Discussant José R. Maria (BP).pdf

pdf "The economic Impact of Structural Reform Measures in ES, FR, IT and PT" – Erik Canton (European Commission) Popular

Autoria de Tagado em Ambiente, Empresas, GEE 431 descarregados

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The economic Impact of Structural Reform Measures in ES, FR, IT and PT – Erik Canton (European Commission).pdf

pdf "The impact of structural reforms of the judicial system: a survey" – Sílvia Santos (GPEARI – Ministry of Finance) Popular

Autoria de Tagado em Ambiente, Empresas, GEE 446 descarregados

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The impact of structural reforms of the judicial system – Sílvia Santos (GPEARI – Ministry of Finance).pdf