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This paper evaluates the macroeconomic effects of macroprudential policy measures consisting of changes in loan-to-value ratios in the euro area. The analysis is carried out within a fully structural, multi-country model, that prominently includes...
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Para além de um breve conjunto de dados, pouco detalhados, sobre o comércio externo da Venezuela face ao mundo de fonte Banco Central de Venezuela - Comércio Exterior, para o período 2010-2014 (os dados anuais mais recentes de fonte nacional que...
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This paper studies the impact of optimism on occupational choice using a general equilibrium framework. The model shows that optimism has four main qualitative effects: it leads to a misallocation of talent, drives up input prices, raises the...
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As empresas seguradoras têm que constituir provisões técnicas com vista a assegurar que responsabilidades futuras perante os seus clientes e terceiros são cobertas. Estas provisões baseiam-se em estimativas não só incorporando dados passados, mas...
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The aim of this paper is to examine the set of variables that determine competitiveness in the Portuguese Chemical sector. By performing a micro-econometrics analysis, whose temporal gap ranges between 2010 and 2016, and using data from the...
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We investigate the performance of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the Portuguese stock index PSI20 since 2012. ETFs have contributed to the competitiveness of the Portuguese financial market. To test our hypothesis of whether ETFs generate...
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Entre outras organizações, Moçambique é um dos quinze membros da SADC (Southern Africa Deve-lopment Community – Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral), organização criada em 1992 que tem entre os seus principais objetivos aprofundar a...
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In the aftermath of the financial crisis, recent discussions are occurring at European level within Member States, the ECB and the European Commission, focusing on the possible emerging risks, including housing prices increases. Nevertheless, this...