Autor(es): Jürgen Kröger, Miguel Lebre de Freitas, James Daniel, Mary R. McCarthy, António Afonso, Pierre Beynet, Carlos Martinez, Pedro Cardoso, José Luís Malo de Molina e Jean-Luc Schneider
Ano: 2009


Thematic sessions, Chair: Jürgen Kröger (DG ECFIN)
First session: "Recent developments on external competitiveness and policy implications"
"Recent developments on competitiveness", Miguel Lebre de Freitas (GEE/MEID)
"Cures for the External Deficit", James Daniel (IMF)
"Recent developments in external competitiveness and policy implications", Mary R. McCarthy (DG ECFIN)
Second session: "Policies to achieve sustainability"
"Achieving fiscal sustainability", António Afonso (European Central Bank; ISEG/UTL)
"Policies to Achieve Fiscal Sustainability", Pierre Beynet (OECD)
"Policies to Achieve Fiscal Sustainability - Discussion", Carlos Martinez (DG ECFIN), Pedro Cardoso (DG ECFIN)
Panel Discussion: "How to adjust in the euro area?", Chair: Vítor Constâncio (Bank of Portugal)
Álvaro Aguiar (MFAD), John Fitzgerald (Economic and Social Research Institute, Ireland), Jürgen Kröger (DG ECFIN), José Luís Malo de Molina (Bank of Spain), Jean-Luc Schneider (OECD).