Número: 142
Autor(es): António Alberto Nifrário de Pinho Tavares
Mês: Março
Ano: 2020

Debureaucratization initiatives are usually welcomed due to the anticipation of its benefits. Although such was the case of Simplex, its effectiveness is yet understudied and thus this scientific article aims to make a balance of the implementation of Simplex project. This balance covers both its effectiveness on the specific case of the Portuguese Social Security System as well as its levers and blockages in the ultimate goal of debureaucratize. The scarcity of information about Simplex impact encouraged this exploratory research as well as the methodological option that backed up a qualitative approach. To meet the study’s goals, this paper also incorporated theoretical elements of the literature review. We selected two Social Security stakeholders as our target groups – accountants and officials. With the former, we conducted individual semi-structured interviews, and with the second, we made focus groups. Findings suggest Simplex is much more than deadlines and cost decrease, and improving people’s lives. It is not just information and communication technologies (ICT), administrative simplification and legislative simplification, or as we called it, the triangle of drivers legislation, technology and procedures, but it is much more. 


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Número: 141
Autor(es): José Santos, Nuno Tavares and Gabriel Osório de Barros
Mês: Fevereiro
Ano: 2020

Productivity growth in southern European countries has been slowing down at least since the early 2000s. In this regard, Portugal has been no exception to this common trend as productivity growth has been sluggish since the beginning of the century, well before the global financial crisis. At the same time, corporate levels of indebtedness of Portuguese firms have built-up quite substantially until recent years. Although with different levels of intensity across sectors, this pattern was particularly prevalent in the construction sector, rendering it to be a compelling case to study the relation between debt and productivity. Using microdata from Portuguese construction firms, in this paper, we investigate the long-term impact of persistent corporate debt accumulation on total factor productivity growth. To do so, we rely on the framework provided by the estimation of heterogeneous dynamic-panel models. This framework allows us to account for dynamics, feedback effects, firm heterogeneity, and cross-sectional dependencies arising from unobserved common factors. After taking into account the effect of unobserved common factors affecting all firms in the sector as well as firm’s specific characteristics, we find a negative and significant effect of corporate debt-build up on total productivity growth in the industry. This result is robust to different measures of total factor productivity, labour productivity and firms’ indebtedness. Our results suggest that timely measures aiming to reduce debt overhangs by firms may be essential tools to boost productivity growth in the construction sector.


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Número: 140
Autor(es): Ana Venâncio, Victor Barros and Clara Raposo
Mês: Janeiro
Ano: 2020


We examine the impact of corporate taxation on entrepreneurship, using a quasi-natural experiment, which substantially reduced the corporate tax rate for start-ups located in inland municipalities in Portugal. The combination of a high quality and universal firm level database for Portugal allows the detailed study of firm's behaviour. We use BPlim’s harmonized Central Balance Sheet panel for the period of 2006 to 2015 to evaluate the different behaviour of exporters and non-exporters in Portugal. We follow on the self-selection and learning-by-exporting literature, estimating several exporter productivity premiums. After finding solid evidence of a productivity advantage of exporters compared to non-exporters, which seems to emerge several years before firms start to export, we expand our study in order to explore the causality of the previous findings. Thus, we estimate a logit fixed effects model to assess the impact of several variables in the export propensity of a firm. We corroborate the self-selection theory, given the significance of labour productivity in probability of a firm exporting, as well, as significant effects of firm absolute size, relative market share, sector concentration and investment.


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Número: 139
Autor(es): Tiago Domingues and Margarida Castro Rego
Mês: Dezembro
Ano: 2019

The household saving rate is slowing down since the mid-1980s and in 2018 registered a record low. This article aims to contribute to the debate on the evolution of household savings in Portugal by considering both the microeconomic behaviour and the macroeconomic dynamics of household savings. First, we use microdata from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) to empirically assess the main microeconomic determinants of household savings, the heterogeneity across households regarding different ways of financing negative savings, and the main factors determining liquidity constrained agents. Second, we develop a time-series model for aggregate consumption to forecast the household saving rate in Portugal. We found household characteristics and heterogeneity regarding individual variables to be significant and economically important determinants of household saving decisions and credit constraints. Moreover, our out-of-sample forecast suggests there was no structural change in household savings decisions, indicating that the unexpected rise in the Portuguese household saving rate during the 2008 recession was led by temporary shocks to income and wealth.


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Número: 138
Autor(es): Edoardo M. Acabbi, Ettore Panetti and Alessandro Sforza
Mês: Dezembro
Ano: 2019

How do credit shocks affect labor market reallocation and firms’ exit, and how does their propagation depend on labor rigidities at the firm level? To answer these questions, we match administrative data on worker, firms, banks and credit relationships in Portugal, and conduct an event study of the interbank market freeze at the end of 2008. Consistent with other empirical literature, we provide novel evidence that the credit shock had significant effects on employment dynamics and firms’ survival. These findings are entirely driven by the interaction of the credit shock with labor market frictions, determined by rigidities in labor costs and exposure to working-capital financing, which we label “labor-as-leverage” and “labor-as-investment” financial channels. The credit shock explains about 29 percent of the employment loss among large Portuguese firms between 2008 and 2013, and contributes to productivity losses due to increased labor misallocation.


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Número: 137
Autor(es): Miguel Ferreira, João Pereira dos Santos and Ana Venâncio
Mês: Dezembro
Ano: 2019

We study the role of property taxes on entrepreneurial activity using a quasi-natural experiment, which unexpectedly reduced the upper bound of the Portuguese property tax rate for urban properties in 2008. Using a difference-indifferences approach, we find that treated municipalities (i.e., municipalities that had a property tax rate above the new upper bound) experienced higher entry rates in the manufacturing sector vis-à-vis control municipalities (i.e., municipalities that had a property tax rate at or below the new upper bound). Taking advantage of firm-level data, we show that start-ups created as a response to the decrease in property taxes in treated municipalities use more debt, invest more, and are more likely to survive.


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Número: 134
Autor(es): Alfredo Marvão Pereira e Rui Marvão Pereira
Mês: Outubro
Ano: 2019

In this paper, we address the issue of energy taxation reform with an environmental focus. We do so using a multi-sector and multi-household dynamic computable general equilibrium model of the Portuguese economy. We analyze the environmental, macroeconomic, and distributional effects of different policies allowing for energy taxation to be replaced with carbon taxation while at the same time allowing for the IPCC 2018 emissions reduction targets to be achieved. Our analysis indicates a clear path in the quest for decarbonization. First, replace energy taxes with a carbon tax; second, adopt the levels of carbon taxation necessary to achieve the emissions goals; third, use extra tax revenues from the carbon tax to reverse any potential adverse macroeconomic and distributional effects of the carbon taxation. In the process, this would be a way around the pervasive problem of perverse fossil fuel subsidies, which would effectively disappear and as such would improve the efficiency of the tax system.


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Número: 136
Autor(es): Luís Pedro Manso Machado
Mês: Novembro
Ano: 2019

A combinação de uma base de dados universal e de elevada qualidade para Portugal permite um estudo detalhado do comportamento da firma. Utilizamos o painel harmonizado da Central de Balanços do BPlim para o período de 2006 a 2015 para avaliar o comportamento diferenciado entre exportadores e não exportadores em Portugal. Seguimos a literatura de self-selection e de learning-by-exporting, estimando vários premiums de produtividade para empresas exportadoras. Após encontrar evidência sólida de uma vantagem produtiva dos exportadores face a não-exportadores, a qual aparenta emergir anos antes das firmas começarem a exportar, expandimos o nosso estudo de forma a identificar a casualidade dos resultados anteriores. Desta forma, estimamos um modelo logit de efeitos fixos de forma a averiguar o impacto de várias variáveis na propensão à exportação de uma empresa. Corroboramos a teoria de selfselection, dada a significância da produtividade do trabalho na probabilidade de uma empresa exportar, assim como, o efeito significativo da dimensão absoluta da empresa, quota de mercado relativa, concentração do setor e investimento.


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Número: 135
Autor(es): José M. Belbute e Alfredo M. Pereira
Mês: Outubro
Ano: 2019

We provide reference forecasts for worldwide CO2 emissions from fuel fossil combustion and cement production based on an ARFIMA approach. Our projections suggest a time path for emissions that is inconsistent with the general IPCC decarbonization goals. Indeed, we project emissions to increase, over the next three decades, to levels about 11-12% above the 2010 level. For the IPCC goals to be achieved it is necessary to reduce emissions by 57.4% and 97.4% of 2010 emissions by 2030 and 2050, respectively. Furthermore, the bulk of these efforts have to take place by 2030. This implies that the policy efforts necessary to achieve such goals are not only daunting but also frontloaded. Finally, the presence in the data of long memory with mean reversion suggests that policies must be persistent to ensure that these reductions in emissions are also permanent. These results add to the sense of urgency in dealing with the issue of decarbonization. The policy efforts necessary to achieve IPCC decarbonization goals are urgent, daunting and frontloaded.


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Número: 133
Autor(es): Lee Branstetter, Brian Kovak, Jacqueline Mauro e Ana Venâncio
Mês: Outubro
Ano: 2019

This paper considers the effects of Chinese import competition on firm-level labor market outcomes in Portugal. We examine direct competition in the Portuguese market and indirect competition Portugal's largest export markets in Western Europe. Using rich employer-employee data matched to firm-level trade transactions, we measure the degree to which different Portuguese firms faced Chinese import competition, based on firm product mix and distribution of sales across countries. We find economically and statistically significant employment declines in firms with more exposure to Chinese competition in European export markets, but minimal effects of direct competition in Portugal. Our findings also suggest a centrally important role for Portugal's stringent labor market regulations in limiting firms' ability to adjust to competitive shocks. In our earlier sample period (1995-2000), firms have limited ability to adjust employment, hours, or wages, and the primary adjustment margin is firm exit. In the later period (2000-2007), when more flexible temporary contracts comprise a larger share of employment, we find employment reductions among more exposed firms. 


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