Número: 122
Autor(es): Ricardo Ferraz
Mês: Junho
Ano: 2019

A Grande Guerra (1914-1918) e a Guerra Colonial (1961-1974) foram, sem dúvida, os dois conflitos bélicos mais importantes para Portugal no seu passado recente, tendo a sua despesa militar atingido valores recorde durante esses acontecimentos. De acordo com as estimativas apresentadas no presente estudo, o Estado português terá despendido com estas guerras - a preços de hoje, e na moeda actual -, 26,5 mil milhões de euros. Deste montante, 82% terá sido gasto com a Guerra Colonial e 18% com a Grande Guerra. Ao se disponibilizarem pela primeira vez valores concretos sobre os custos dos dois principais conflitos militares em que Portugal se envolveu no século XX, espera-se oferecer um valioso contributo à História Contemporânea de Portugal e estimular outros trabalhos de investigação sobre estes temas.

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Número: 121
Autor(es): Anabela Santos, Michele Cincera, Paulo Neto and Maria Manuel Serrano
Mês: Maio
Ano: 2019

A wide range of empirical studies have analyzed which firm characteristics influence government evaluators on the decision to select specific firms for participating in Research and Development and Innovation subsidy programs. However, few authors have provided a precise analysis about the selection process of submitted applications for a public support. The aim of the present paper is to assess the effectiveness in the selection process and to understand which kind of projects are selected for being subsidized. The analysis is focused on the case study of applications submitted to the Portuguese Innovation Incentive System (SI Innovation) between 2007 and 2013. Once the selection criterion for accessing to this program is essentially based on competitiveness, namely in terms of internationalization and productivity, special attention was given on assessing the determinants of selection process regarding to these topics. Using a counterfactual analysis and Propensity Score Matching estimators, results show that the selection process to SI Innovation is more focused on expecting an increase of the internationalization and productivity of firms than in the efficiency of public expenditures and firm innovativeness. The conclusions of this paper could be useful for policy makers, once it identifies some failures in selection process, which according to other authors, could explain some disappointing results of public intervention in this field.

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Número: 120
Autor(es): Guida Nogueira e Paulo Inácio
Mês: Abril
Ano: 2019

On June, 2016 the UK decided to leave the EU. The departure date was originally scheduled for March 29, 2019 but the process reached an impasse as the withdrawal agreement, that was negotiated with the European Union, failed to get parliamentary approval. The EU agreed to offer the UK a flexible extension of the Brexit deadline until October 31, but the risk of a no-deal scenario still exists. Since there is no precedent of a Member State withdrawing from the European Union, the implications of Brexit for the EU countries are still highly uncertain. However, countries and industries that have deep economic ties, in terms of international integration, to the UK are the most vulnerable to this departure. In this work we will use trade in value added statistics from OECD-WTO TiVA database4 and related indicators to depict how exposed and thus vulnerable is Portugal and its sectors to the UK market, delivering a useful contribute for assessing potential impacts of Brexit on the Portuguese Economy.

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Número: 118
Autor(es): Frederico Oliveira Torres
Mês: Abril
Ano: 2019

For Melitz (2003), the driving force behind a firm’s decision to export is productivity. If firms pass the productivity cut-off, they all export. Nonetheless, empirical studies show that a substantial share of high-productive firms do not export. Using a dataset that covers Portuguese non-financial firms, between 2010 and 2016, we assess which factors determine the export decision, besides productivity. According to our results, firm’s characteristics, such as size, turnover, import as well as export status, age, worker skills and knowledge agglomeration, are crucial in the process of internationalisation of firms.

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Número: 119
Autor(es): Guida Nogueira e António Portugal Duarte
Mês: Abril
Ano: 2019

Na era do “Made in the World” o valor bruto das exportações que atravessa a fronteira nacional é uma medida cada vez mais imperfeita do rendimento doméstico envolvido, comprometendo, por isso, a leitura de todos os indicadores de comércio externo derivados. A literatura económica tem feito grandes progressos para desenvolver um quadro de referência metodológico que isole devidamente o papel de cada país no contexto das Cadeias de Valor Globais (CVGs) e são já vários os projetos que, capitalizando estes contributos teóricos, procederam à construção de bases de dados multi-país a partir de matrizes input-output globais harmonizadas que identificam os recursos e empregos da produção na economia, com desagregação por setores de bens e serviços e países parceiros. Este trabalho utiliza a informação de comércio internacional em valor acrescentado, recentemente compilada pela OCDE-OMC, para (i) analisar a dinâmica da especialização produtiva portuguesa, no contexto das CVGs, com base no tradicional Índice de Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas (IVCR) de Balassa, considerando para efeitos de cálculo três tipos de fluxos no período 1995-2011 e (ii) discutir a validade da teoria clássica e neoclássica das vantagens comparativas no contexto das CVGs. Os dados confirmam que a utilização das estatísticas em valor acrescentado nacional é de facto muito relevante do ponto de vista da avaliação das capacidades com que Portugal se apresenta nas Cadeias de Valor Globais e sugerem que a estrutura setorial das vantagens comparativas reveladas para Portugal, no contexto das CVGs, obedece à teoria clássica e neoclássica do comércio internacional.

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Número: 117
Autor(es): Tiago Domingues
Mês: Janeiro
Ano: 2019

This paper evaluates the growing participation of the Portuguese economy, and especially of the textiles, leather, and shoes industry, in the so-called Global Value Chains (GVCs). We use the 2016 edition of the World Input-Output Database (WIOD) to empirical assess the changes in the geography of imports and exports of the Portuguese textiles, leather, and shoes industry as well as quantify the growing vertical specialization in this sector.

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Número: 116
Autor(es): Francisco Queiró
Mês: Dezembro
Ano: 2018

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Número: 115
Autor(es): José Jorge e Joana Rocha
Mês: Novembro
Ano: 2018

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Número: 114
Autor(es): Catarina Branco, Tiago Domingues, Ana Martins
Mês: Novembro
Ano: 2018

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Número: 113
Autor(es): Rita Basto, Sandra Gomes, Diana Lima
Mês: Outubro
Ano: 2018

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